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Miss Florida River Fest is an ambassador program for Florida's river region and Florida River Fest. The chosen representative will serve as ambassador throughout the one day festival, as well as at various pre-approved events throughout her year of service. The chosen representative shall not make any appearances during her year of service unless they have been approved in writing by the program board. This is NOT a traditional beauty pageant but rather an ambassador program. There will be no live interviews or on stage beauty competition. Upon completion of her duties the Miss FL River Fest ambassador will receive a $500 scholarship on behalf of the Calhoun County Community Foundation.

Nominees must be currently enrolled as a Junior or Senior at a school within Calhoun, Liberty, Jackson, Gulf, or Franklin Counties. Nominees must be female, cannot be married or pregnant or have ever held the title of Miss FL River Fest. 

Entry Requirements: Students must be nominated by a teacher or member of the school administration. (see nomination form below) by December 15, 2024.

Once nominated someone from FL River Fest will reach out to the nominee and inform them of their nomination. Each nominee must then submit their headshot, and acceptance essay below no later than

January 5, 2025

Miss FL River Fest will be selected from all final, qualified nominees and contacted by

February 1, 2025.

Maelee Official Crown WEB.jpg

Linda Kat Blackburn
Miss FL River Fest 2023
School - Blountstown

Anna Hand
Miss FL River Fest 2024
School - Altha

Maelee Hall
Miss FL River Fest 2025
School - Liberty County

Frequently Asked Questions


A panel will review all submitted information and select the next Miss Florida River Fest. This is an ambassador program. There will be no live interviews or on stage beauty competition. The representative will be chosen based off the information submitted at her time of nomination.(teacher nomination letter and nominee's 500 word essay)


Miss Florida River Fest will be the official ambassador for Florida River Fest and our scenic river region. She must be present at the one day festival to be held the last Saturday in February, & at any pre and post festival events, including but not limited to the Big River Classic Catfish Tournament and various area parades and festivals. She may also be asked to appear at various river/waterway conservation events during her year of service.

How to submit a Nomination Form and Acceptance Essay

Teachers or administrators should write a short letter highlighting why they believe the nominee would be a great representative for Florida River Fest below. Once nominated, someone will contact the nominee to inform them of their nomination. They will need to "accept" the nomination by submitting a 500 word essay in the "acceptance form" below along with a clear, recent headshot. (headshot does not have to be formal as it will not be shared publicly). Deadline for all acceptance essays/forms is January 5, 2025.

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Miss Florida River Fest 2025
Nomination Form

If you are a teacher or member of the administration of a high school within Calhoun, Liberty, Jackson, Gulf or Franklin Counties please nominate a current Junior or Senior girl that you feel would be a great representative for Florida River Fest and deserving of a $500 scholarship. Please complete the form below and submit no later than December 15, 2024.



Thank you for nominating a deserving student for Miss Florida River Fest.

Miss Florida River Fest 2025

If you have been contacted FL River Fest and notified of your nomination, Please complete the form below and submit no later than January 5, 2025 to be considered for Miss Florida River Fest.

Upload File
Upload File

Thank you for applying to be the next Miss Florida River Fest.

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